Think of Periodontal scaling and root planing as a deep cleaning that removes tartar from on and under your gums.
Dental Scaling and Root Planing
The office of Gary R. Woodall, DDS, MAGD, PA in Knoxville, TN proudly offers periodontal scaling and root planing.

Without proper oral care, you will develop periodontal (gum) disease, an infection of the gum tissue. As a result, your gums will start to pull away from your teeth, leaving pockets that bacteria and food particles are able to fill. This leads to further plaque and tartar buildup, worsening the existing infection and irritating your gums even more, until your teeth become sensitive and even loose. When you develop gum disease and you do not get professional treatment to restore your gums to health, you will eventually start to lose your teeth.
Warning Signs of Gum Disease
Did you know that 50% of American adults will be affected by periodontal disease? Gum disease can creep up on you if you’re not careful. The beginning stages are easy to miss, because there is usually no pain to alert you to a problem. However, as the infection progresses, you will notice these symptoms:
What is Scaling and Root Planing?
Periodontal scaling and root planing is the most effective way to get rid of gum disease. We use this treatment to clean off tartar and other buildup on your teeth and between your gums and teeth. We can use a standard scraping tool, but we also have an ultrasonic tool if needed. Sometimes we need to apply an antibiotic between the teeth and gums to help with the infection. We may also use a local anesthetic to numb the area before performing the procedure.
It’s Not Too Late to Start Taking Care of Your Gums
Good oral hygiene is important to your overall health and wellness. Taking care of your gums means brushing twice a day and flossing daily, as Dr. Woodall recommends, and visiting us for regular dental examinations and cleanings. If you have not always maintained your oral hygiene routine like you should, Dr. Woodall can help get your teeth and gums back to proper condition and get you on the road to lifelong oral health.